How do I start a game of chess?
Once you have had your email verified and you are logged in you can start playing chess. Click on the New Game link in the menu on the left. This will take you to the New Game page. This page is split into two sections: 1) Games Awaiting Opponents, 2) Create New Game.
1) Games Awaiting Opponents: Click on the Play link in tlows you to create a game based on your own preferences. Select which colour you want to play as, the move and game times, and click the create game button. If you entered a player name and this player is excepting challenges, then the game is created and your opponent notified. If you leave the player name blank the game will be added to the list in the Awaiting Opponent section. When a player clicks to play this game you will receive a notification email.
What are the move time and game time controls?
The two time controls, move time and game time, have different functions. The game time is the amount of time that each player gets to complete the game. Move time is the grace period you have before the game time starts counting down after each move. After each move your opponent is allocated the full move time. Any game time used up is not re-allocated. Once your opponent has used up all their game time you may claim a timeout win. Timeouts are claimed by clicking the hour-glass symbol that will appear in the actions column on the My Games page.
How do I find all the games I'm currently playing?
On the menu on the left, click the My Games link. The My Games page is split into three sections: 1) Your Move, 2) Opponent's Move and 3) Completed Games
1) Your Move: This section shows all the game awaiting your move. Click on the game number in the game column to access the game.
2) Opponent's Move: This section shows all the games awaiting your opponenet's move. Click on the game number in the game column to view the game.
3) Completed games: Games that have been completed. Click on the game number in the game column to view the game. Tick the box in the archive column and then click the Archive button to remove games from this view. Archived games are not deleted.
If any actions are applicable to a game, a clickable icon will appear in the action column. You may delete a game that is less than four moves old (a trash can icon), send your opponent a move reminder email (envelope icon), or claim a timout if your opponent fails to move in the allocated time (an hour-glass icon)
How do I make a move?
Click on the piece you wish to move, then click on the square to which you would like to move the piece. Do not drag and drop the pieces.When viewing a game and it is your move, passing your mouse over the squares on the board will identify pieces that can move. The colour of the square the piece is on will turn from white/grey to yellow if the piece can move. Clicking on the piece will turn the square green. Moving your mouse over a square to which the piece can move will turn that square green.Squares in red identify the previous move.
How do I perform a castling move?
To perform the castling move, simply move your king. The rook will move automatically.
Does en-passant work?
Yes. Move your pawn and the opponent's pawn that is being taken 'in passing' will be removed.
How do I promote a pawn?
When you have moved a pawn all the way across the board, you will be allowed to promote the pawn to any other piece. In the Actions section of the Board page, you will be presented with a selection of piece. Click on the piece you choose and it will be placed on the board.
How does the player ratings work?
Player ratings give you a guide of the ability of your opponents. New players are given a rating of 1200. Upon completion of a game your rating will be adjusted according to your opponents rating and the result of the game. Winning against an opponent ranked higher than yourself will result in a bigger improvement of your rating than if you beat a player ranked below you. The calculation used is based on the ELO rating system. Full details of the calculation used will be published in this help in due course.
All games played on ChessOnTheWeb count towards your overall rating.