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Thread - Server Failure

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#1 - 3 Aug 2007

Posted By:
Stoney X

Server Failure

The server that hosts ChessOnTheWeb crashed today shortly after midday, UK time. Apparently a hard drive failed and the system was un-recoverable. The site is now running of the backup server. You will notice the site downloads a bit slower. The main server is due to be rebuilt on Monday.

#2 - 3 Aug 2007

Posted By:
Stoney X

The email server is also down. I will switch this to the backup server in the next few hours.
#3 - 5 Aug 2007

Posted By:
Stoney X

Please note that, if all goes according to plan, the website will be moved back onto the primary server Monday evening, UK time. I expect the site could be unavailable for a few hours for the switch over.

Due to the change in IP address between the primary and backup sites, your browser/DNS provider might still point www.chessontheweb.com to the backup server (this info is often cached). To over come this I will provide a temporary address that will point to the primary server. This address will be:


These last few days have tested the backup plans of the site and has shown a few holes in the process. Lessons have been learned! Hopefully by Tuesday this episode will be fading into distant memory and I can get some sleep.....

#3 - 5 Aug 2007

Posted By:
Stoney X

Please note that, if all goes according to plan, the website will be moved back onto the primary server Monday evening, UK time. I expect the site could be unavailable for a few hours for the switch over.

Due to the change in IP address between the primary and backup sites, your browser/DNS provider might still point www.chessontheweb.com to the backup server (this info is often cached). To over come this I will provide a temporary address that will point to the primary server. This address will be:


These last few days have tested the backup plans of the site and has shown a few holes in the process. Lessons have been learned! Hopefully by Tuesday this episode will be fading into distant memory and I can get some sleep.....


[Edited : 5 Aug 2007]
#4 - 6 Aug 2007

Posted By:
Stoney X

All has not gone according to plan. The move will now occur on Tuesday evening.

#5 - 8 Aug 2007

Posted By:
Stoney X

Chess On The Web is now back on the primary server. If you experience any problems with the site please send me a message or email  admin@chessontheweb.com

Apologies for any inconvenience over the last few days.


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